I don’t have time for success!

“Ali, I don’t have time or money for the War Council”

Really? Let’s break it down

The average person spends 2 to 3 hours a day on social media

Mindlessly scrolling through a bunch of BS and mentally ill auto babble

The average person spends 3 to 4 hours on Netflix a day

The average person spends six hours a day, being distracted, and you say you have no time?

Distraction is the enemy of action

Just think, if you were to take one hour out of that six to work out

Just think, if you were to take 30 minutes out of that six hours, to read the Quran

Just think, if you would take some time out of that six hours, to enroll in a class that would better your life financially

Just think, if you would take some time out of that six, to listen to something on your work commute, that will broaden your intellectual scope

So you see, you have tons of time you just choose to use it in an incorrect and wasteful way

For all those Muslim men out there that want to separate yourself from inactive mediocre men

For those that want their kids to look up to them and to be the hero of your wife

Stop wasting time and start building legacy in your life

Join the War Council today